Defense Intelligence Agency - Department of Defense

ASSESSMENT FACTORS 1. Demonstrates polished oral and written communication skills to compose, tailor, and deliver original presentations and papers on abstract and exceptionally complex questions or issues in a way that allows a varied audience to understand the intended message and objectives. 2. Directly oversees the conduct of PAI collection activities in order to effectively manage and control operational risk. 3. Evaluates OSINT collection plans for operational value, feasibility, and proper management of operational risk. 4. Assesses the impact of source evaluation and “vetting” on the reliability and quality of OSINT reporting. 5. Assists in developing new policy considering previous policy and future challenges. HIGHLY DESIRED SKILLS 1. Demonstrates extensive knowledge of methods for identifying, obtaining, and using expanding sources of information. 2. Experience providing intelligence support to a Combatant Command. 3. Experience managing relationships with commercial vendors.
We are committed to: Teamwork: Partnering at all levels and across organizational boundaries for mission accomplishment. Integrity: Adherence to the highest legal and ethical principles in our responsibilities. Excellence: Unrivaled defense intelligence expertise. Service: Putting the welfare of the Nation and commitment to our mission before oneself.

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